Got Goals?

So, it’s been a minute since I last blogged. I’ve had a lot of different topics running through my head, even started a couple of posts. I think the problem is I have TOO much going on in my mind that I want to work on. Not just blogging but in my career and personal life.

I am the queen of mental list making. I think I must have a brain larger than the average brain. Not because I have extra  intelligence but because I need extra space for all the lists. The problem with being a mental list maker is I spend more time creating and revising my lists than I do implementing what I want to achieve.
So, what’s the cure for the mental list then, you ask.
Glad you asked! (No, I didn’t create another list…….well, okay I did, but this time I wrote it down.)

I realized I need to set my lists into goals. I’ve read tons of articles on setting and achieving goals. I’ve participated in training events geared towards the same thing. I even came up with my own little view on achieving goals.

  • Figure out WHAT you want to accomplish. It’s so easy to be broad and general. Narrow down the specific goal you want to accomplish.
  • What is the time frame you want to accomplish your goal? Keep in mind what your schedule is really like. Will you be able to spend an hour solely focused or is it more realistic that you can spend 15 minutes on the goal. Will it be a daily, weekly, or a few times a week?
  • Visualize completing your goals. Make a vision board. Put post it notes up. Give yourself reminders for the days you can actively work on your goal and the days you can’t.
  • Share your goals with someone. Make yourself accountable to someone. Get a goal partner so you can cheer each other to the finish line.
  • Share accomplishing your goals. You never know who you might inspire when you share your success.
  • Last, but not least in any way, this is the one thing I’ve never seen when I looked into goal setting. For me, it was an a-ha moment. You know what your strengths and challenges are. My challenge is procrastinating. I rule on that planet. This will impede achieving my goals. I need to be aware of this. BUT one of my strengths is this: When I truly set my mind to get something I want, I have never let myself down. I’ve proven I can get past the challenges, the stumbling blocks, and yes, even that nasty little habit of procrastinating. 

                    “Obstacles are those frightful things you see 

when you take your eyes off the goal.” 

How do you accomplish your goals? 

10 Responses

  1. I love that quote! I need to get back to actually recording my goals so that I can reflect on them. Just like you, I have a lot going on and I tend to forget a lot of things.

  2. I've been writing my goals down and have actually marked some things off the list that were easy to do.

  3. Hello! This is a great post! God must have been sprinkling "Get Real With Yourself" dust on this day because BOTH of us really did write similar posts! I love your tips for setting goals and I will definitely be using them to get the ball rolling with making my dreams a reality.

  4. Hey lady! I thought it was pretty awesome that we posted similar posts on the same day. I always enjoy your posts and feel encouraged when I read them.

  5. this is a great post! Yeah, definitely try to attain a balance between the lists and the "checking off things on the lists"! I get so much pleasure from "checking things off" after I accomplish them that (here it is "Secret Weirdo"confession time): If I do something that I'd forgotten to write on my "to do " list…I'll write it down AFTER THE FACT…JUST to have the fun of being able to immediately check it off as being done! lol

  6. Cynthia,I do the same thing. Lol. It does feel good to see what you accomplish. I've been sticking with my written list which is keeping me on task. 🙂

  7. I must confess to being a bit OCD about completing goals, but I don't make lists. I like your cat pic! LOLThis is my first Flashback hop linky. Hope to see you stop by my blog.-Nora

  8. Hi Nora!I need a little of your OCD with completing goals. I have the best of intentions and then I'm easily distracted along the way. That's why I need my lists. Lol.I am headed over to your blog now.

  9. I love to make list. I think like you I spend more time making list than actually working on accomplishing the things on the lists. The goals that I have been most successful with are the ones that I told others about. Thanks for linking up for Flashback Friday. Link up everyweek on

  10. Hi Joy. I keep my list handy in a notebook. I tend to do mine a week at a time since some days are busier than others and I don't feel so overwhelmed on the busier days.I missed this week's link up but I'll be by next Friday.

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